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Mixit is a project that uses creativity to empower young people.

Mixit gives young people positive skills and experiences to enrich their lives. It helps increase confidence, self-expression and communication skills. It’s a multicultural platform where young people with refugee backgrounds mix it up with local and migrant youth.

Mixit brings people together from a diversity of backgrounds and experiences. At Mixit, you get involved in creative projects together and establish new networks and opportunities – meeting new friends, artists and others who may be able to help you with the transition from school into study, training and life.

We use a range of performing arts based creative disciplines, including dance, drama, music and aerial circus.

Mixit regularly performs and runs open courses, which don’t require previous experience but requires a willingness to turn up regularly and actively engage. We also participate in a range of community events – such as the Auckland International Cultural Festival, Youth Week and World Refugee Day.

When/where is it?

Mixit runs creative workshops every Saturday of the school term from 2:00pm- 4.30pm.

Mixit operates from West Auckland, with our Saturday sessions running from the Auckland Acadamy of Dance, located at Level 1, 44A Portage Road, New Lynn. However our programme is not limited to West Auckland based youth – Mixers come from all over the greater Auckland area. Support with transport is available for those requiring assistance to get to our sessions.

Who is it for?

Mixit is a multicultural platform for young people from refugee, migrant and local backgrounds. It’s about bringing people together from a diversity of experiences and getting them involved in creative projects together.

Mixers are usually aged between 13 and 20 years. We have a Youth Leadership programme that is open to those who are interested in taking on more responsibility.

No previous experience or skills are required to participate in our community activities, but motivation and willingness are needed. The more you contribute, the more you gain. Extra commitment is required from those who are selected to be part of the Youth Leadership programme.

About us

Mixit was originally founded with the support and guidance of Charmaine Barnett of The Fledgling Trust in 2006. In 2012, The Mixit Charitable Trust was established as a non-profit Charitable Trust to specifically support youth at community level and to guide the vision of the Mixit Project. Its commitment is to further cultural, educational and empowerment opportunities for young people with refugee backgrounds and to assist their positive integration into New Zealand communities.

Mixit supports programmes that bring together a multicultural diversity of young people and which use creativity as a means to increase self-confidence, improve communication skills and support intercultural understanding.

The Mixit Trust firmly believes in the power of non-judgemental and inclusive creative platforms to assist young people to find hope, optimism and resilience in order to courageously move on with their lives.

Sponsors & friends

Thanks to our amazing sponsors. Without your support, we would not be able to continue our work.

Help us continue Mixing. Donate

We are a Charitable Trust which means that all donations of $5 or more are eligible for a tax rebate. We send out our tax donation receipts each year in April or May (just after the end of the NZ tax year) with a little update of what we've been doing for the last year.

You are welcome to make a one off donation, either by clicking on the big purple box at the top of the page, or contact us to enquire about how to pay us directly.

You can also contact us to talk about taking a more personalised approach such as contributing to a specific project, donating your time, making a generous one-off donation or becoming a volunteer driver.

Our Friends of Mixit donate regularly, this can be set up with us directly, hitting that big purple box at the top of the page, or by following this link One Percent Collective and becoming a donor with them. Please ensure you select Mixit as your reason for joining.

One Percent Collective is an amazing charity that connects people who want to give back and do good things in the community with great charities around NZ. Mixit is one of the select charities One Percent Collective thinks NZ'ers should know about. One Percent take NO percentage of the donor’s contribution, instead donating 100% to their charities.

Thanks for considering us for your support.

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                 Phone     021 255 7937


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